Monday, October 12, 2009

Project 2 thumbs: Jay-Z's eleven #1 albums


  1. There are some good box ideas here. If you can incorporate the flap/snap idea, I think that adds a lot of value to the package. The top right graphic treatment is a good direction.

  2. The above post is from Jess Blevens...doesn't look like "anonymous" posting is available.

  3. I see some really great ideas forming. I am not that familiar with Jay-Z's music but I like the idea of the flip top box with the snap on it on the bottom left corner or the one above it with the cut triangle snap. It gives it a little bit of a classy feel. I am seeing it in dark colors also but, not sure what direction you are going with that. Graphically I like the direction of the top right sketch. Can't wait to see more! ;-)

  4. hey i like the first idea with the box and cover...i like how it can reveal something when you pull it out from the would you organize the cds and the booklet?...
